Like many people, I thought that making a sundial was easy, but when I first tried to make one, it didn't work! The full stroy of my early attempts is told on the introduction page to After I had found out how to make them so they did work, I started to make some painted wooden sundials. . Though I hsve not made one of these for many years, they are still my favourite kind of sundial, because they allow for such variety of design and colour comared with metal or stone sundials. The next two pictures show my first sundials. This willow-leaf pattern sundial was made for a house in Flixton
Brief biographical note: I am Managing Director of a company specialising
in market reports on metals and minerals, and developed an interest in the Internet
to cater for their needs. I have been on the Council of the British Sundial
Society for many years, and was responsible for setting up their Awards Scheme.
I am the Webmaster of Sundials on the Internet at, Epsom
and Ewell on the Internet at, and a number of other
websites |